Construction: Reducing the energy demand of hospital buildings in Homolka Prague – Insulation of buildings
Place of implementation: Nemocnice na Homolce – Roentgenova 37/2, 150 30, Prague 5 – Motol
Start of construction: 19.5.2023
Completion of construction: within 321 calendar days
Construction type: Underground construction
Activity: Implementation of the insulation of facade envelopes of Na Homolce Hospital buildings – all buildings in the NNH area
Investor and client: Na Homolce Hospital, Roentgenova 37/2, 150 30 Prague 5
Project manager: Ladislav Lipka
Description of activity: Reduction of energy demand by insulating the roof structure, replacing windows and light outer skin, insulating the facade of buildings SO-01 002-008,011 Monoblock; SO-02 090 Magnetic resonance, congress center; SO-03 080 Nuclear medicine, PET center